
Your website – always secure, fast, updated and error-free.

Make sure that your WordPress website is in the best condition it can be in by booking my Support Service. I will take care of all necessary updates, keep track of backups, keep an eye on security and promise to keep loading times as low as possible.
If you choose to work with me, you can relax and focus on more important tasks than website maintenance. I will even update content for you, as long as it is a reasonable amount per month.
My WordPress Support Service costs you € 40 flat per month. You can cancel anytime if you don't need it anymore. The minimum booking time is 3 months at a time. It includes the following items:
Support for web hosting issues.
Support for E-Mail.
Technical support for WordPress (technical errors, functional errors).
Updating WordPress, themes and plugins.
Small content updates.
Fixing optimization issues (loading times, caching).
Regular security reviews and recommendations.
Advice and consulting for future developments.
Let's talk
Disclaimer: Although I do not specify a fixed amount of time that I will invest per month, I will normally not exceed 6h per year in total. I will prioritize technical tasks and security and will guarantee that those two are always taken care of. I reserve the right to cancel the support service in case of abusive behaviour by the client.

Ready to fly work with me?

I would love to get to know your and your requirements. Schedule a meeting with me, drop me an email or send the contact form. Let's see how I can best support you.
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Tobias Zimmermann
WordPress & WooCommerce Co-Pilot
+41 78 644 82 92
+46 70 555 83 27
Bertschikerstrasse 23
8620 Wetzikon
Frösjöhult 1
362 95 Urshult
Bertschikerstrasse 23
8620 Wetzikon