
Your website – powered by WordPress – perfectly tailored to your needs.

You could of course choose one of the popular website builders, select a template and build your own website. And there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, if you are operating on a tight budget, that might very well be the way to go. However, as a small business owner myself, I know for a fact that you probably have enough on your plate already. Even if the ads say that you will need no coding experience, you will need time – most likely a lot of it – to build a well optimized, good looking, responsive website.
If you choose to work with me, you will get a modern WordPress website with fast loading times and good Search Engine Optimization. You will get it quickly and hassle-free and I will be a valuable resource for you in future web projects.

Choose between the Quick Start or Pro package or request a customized offer:


Quick StartPro
Design Concept
DesignTemplatePixel perfect
Responsive Design
Image Editing (max. 4h)
Stock Imagesseparatelyseparately


Quick StartPro
Content Concept
Static pages5Unlimited
Content fillingfrom text templatefrom text template
Maps (Google, OSM)
Newsletter Integration (Mailchimp etc)


Quick StartPro
Webhosting & Domain Setup
Email Setup5Unlimited
Anti Spam (reCaptcha)Yes
SSL Certificate

Optimization & Launch

Quick StartPro
Loading Time (Caching)
Image Optimization
Security Check
SEO Optimization
Training via Video Call
WordPress Cheat Sheet
Duration Go bis Launchca. 1 weekca. 3 weeks


Quick StartPro
Web Development€ 1'800€ 4'500
Support (monthly)€ 40€ 40
Webhosting (monthly, charged separately)ca. € 10ca. € 10
Buy Quick StartBuy Pro

Ready to fly work with me?

I would love to get to know your and your requirements. Schedule a meeting with me, drop me an email or send the contact form. Let's see how I can best support you.
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Tobias Zimmermann
WordPress & WooCommerce Co-Pilot
+41 78 644 82 92
+46 70 555 83 27
Bertschikerstrasse 23
8620 Wetzikon
Frösjöhult 1
362 95 Urshult
Bertschikerstrasse 23
8620 Wetzikon